- In the style of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ms.Thomas uses Acupuncture, Cupping, Tuina, And Moxibustion while accommodating her treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Formulas, Injection Therapy and Microneedling facial acupuncture.
- Lyme disease is on the rise in the United states particularly along the eastern seaboard. Acupuncture provides a proven protocol, along with herbal prescriptions to treat those testing positive for Lyme disease with a lab test. Dr. Kathy has worked with many lyme patients who have been able to restore vitality and life.
- A toothache can be relived, sinus congestion, the symptoms of a cold as well as premeditation for the immune system in preparation for travel.
- Fertility is a very important function in Traditional Chinese Medicine, bringing the gift of pregnancy to many who have otherwise been unable to become pregnant, and stay pregnant. For these couples there is fertility treatment with IVF or on its own. Protocol has much research and shows significantly higher pregnancy and live birth success.
- Women's health is also important. Menses should be balanced and blood flow should be forthcoming without pain. Protocol for PMS is well documented as a relief for women who suffer from painful menses.
- Pain relief offered by Traditional Chinese Medicine is well documented and is now a GS9- GS12 paid position within the Veterans Administration.
- Due to the Opioid Crisis in our country the Florida Legislature is reviewing the practice of care to include Acupuncture among the secondary sources for management of pain in our state.
- Insomnia is well treated by acupuncture in conjunction with herbal formulas, many times customized to fit the patients individual pattern disharmony.
- Asthma and allergy symptoms are greatly reduced by seasonal treatment. Difficult treatment of COPD and advanced stages of Pulmonary fibrosis are also treated in this clinic.
- Post chemo and cancer is treated at this clinic in conjunction with Western Medicine.
- Pediatric care is among the preventative wonders of Chinese Medicine. Children respond quickly and easily to a gentle physicians approach. Many times a needle is just touched, not retained. Many times a needle is not used at all.
- Let's not forget Beauty! The ancient techniques of facial rejuvinating acupuncture has been used with women in all of Asia for thousands of years. Ms. Kathy uses hebal washes and facial acupuncture to restore collagen and bring qi to the face for a bright and youthful face.
- New to Corner Acupuncture Dr. Kathy has invested in a premium Acu-Micro Microneedling device with a red light treatment and herbal serums with stem cell, herbs that invigorate the dermis and build collagen, collagen that is taken into the skin with the Acu-Micro process and an honest treatment to invigorate and beautify even aging skin, or acne scarring. The next available is with a Plastic Surgeons office where it is administered by technicians. As Ms. Kathy is a trained and board licensed acupuncture and herbal medicine practitioner her service is exceptional. The bio serums are also state of the art made by acupuncturists and chemists in California. Bring out your youthful face with Acu-Microneedling!
- Introducing Mary Piersall Licensed Aesthetician previously in high end Spa's in Dania Beach, along with other South Florida Locations. Mary has her own page on the website so you can see all that is now offered at Corner Acupuncture.
- In addition to micro-needling for the face we are now Certified in Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy for beauty, for health and vitality, for bone, spine and joint pain, arthritis, depression, addiction, organ dysfunction, diabetes and weight loss, insomnia, for local conditions we also use bio puncture. In this therapy both Chinese Medicinal formulas, single herbs in ampule form as well as proven non allergenic homeopathic rememdies from Europe are injected into acupuncture points within the Scope and Practice of Acupuncture in the State of Florida.