This is the season of the Lung Channel in Chinese Medicine, it is the month of the element that corresponds with the lung, which is metal. As an acupuncture physician this translates as cold and flu season. The Traditional Chinese Medicine healers have long known about cold and flu season!.
Fall is a time of year when the wind blows more and scatters things up our noses, into our ears and mouths causing pathogens to enter the body more easily. During this time of year there are some simple precautions to take. Always have a small bottle of zinc spray handy for the first sniffle. Just a quick spray and you may avoid a cold altogether. Yin Qiao San is a very effective formula in Florida due to our warmer temperatures, often with additional herbs to target your individual pattern. Some AP's will also help you to build your immune system through needle treatment and Herbal Therapies to invigorate the Lung channel so that it may become your protection from many pathogenic influences. Traditional Chinese Medicine has some strong treatments for viral and bacterial attacks, so it's time to make an appointment! Let your Acupuncture Physician guide you to a happier, healthier you!
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AuthorNeedling on the beach, Dr. Kathy is an acupuncture physician licensed in Florida and practicing on Hutchinson Island Florida. Archives
May 2022
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