Good Morning healthy eaters? Does your crazy busy schedule keep you on a limited and sometimes nutritionless diet? I highly recommend a diet meal service, complete with keto, to relieve the burden of meal prep on the weekends. At Tailored Fit Plans, Stuart Florida is now home to a meal delivery service who is keeping these amazing little dished at 10.00 meals. Check it out and tell me you're not impressed! Good luck to the Tailored Fit Plans Team!
The energetic movement of the internal systems of the body take quite a battering from external and internal forces in our fast paced, stress filled, chemically prepped food world. Now add aging to this quagmire!
As a licensed acupuncturist who is working to accept insurances I find many more aging patients with the same issues. They tell me they are very tired, waking is troublesome. Yet many are still working into their 60's and 70's. Digestion just seems stuck. Sometimes there is a release of tears in the office, a renewal of conviction to help their own health with a desire to eat better, and try to de-stress with meditation, walking, golf, any form of active enjoyment really. And then what? Perseverance. As we age many of the natural mechanisms of our body begin to wane in strength. Weight that was never a problem becomes one. Many reasons come forth from the medical community, my own included. Is it a leaky gut, is it a deficient Spleen function. Is the Liver meridian overacting? How is the heart pumping the blood. Is there a deficiency or an excess? Though the body is ALWAYS trying to get back to its homeostasis, it sometimes needs a little help. This is where acupuncture and TCM come in. As a profession we are in the business of restoring the body to it's most available effectiveness. There are many different routes to this, such as Acupuncture, Herbal therapies for Internal Medicine, Moxibustion, Cupping, Tuina and Nutritional counseling. All in one place. Traditional Chinese Medicine brings many separate symptoms into remission. An example is often patients are surprised how well they are sleeping after just one treatment. Seemingly unrelated symptoms are threaded together like the weave of a beautiful blanket and the body gives up its fighting and settles into harmony. This is why we are always concerned about stress in TCM. It underlies many illnesses. It causes much pain. You are always in the neighborhood of a wonderful acupuncturist. We are in your home town, not even a long drive away. Make your appointment today and let the quality flood back into your life. Open the door to a healthy you! Viral Conjunctivitis is no joke! This dear teacher struggled for 12 months with this condition under the treatment of her Western Medical Doctor. This form of conjunctivitis known as Hordeolum will reappear, changing eyes swelling, popping and creating such stress on the eyes many jobs become very hard to do. She came to me in tears, unable to be on the computer for the hours she needed and fearful of loosing her job. The condition of viral conjunctivitis is becoming very common while still not easy to treat. We immediately began treatment, easing the pain of the condition with betel nut oil on the lids and acupuncture and herbal formulas. When strong enough I gave her a targeted herbal formula that released the virus returning my patient to her beautiful natural eyes. Until needles and some powerful, ancient formulas targeted to her individual pattern and this debilitating condition, she has her life back. I thank Leah Booth for letting me tell her story!
AuthorNeedling on the beach, Dr. Kathy is an acupuncture physician licensed in Florida and practicing on Hutchinson Island Florida. Archives
May 2022
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